Heritage Cruises
Heritage Cruises
US$180 US$202
Ambassador Cruise
Ambassador Cruise
US$180 US$198
Peony Cruise
Peony Cruise
US$140 US$161
Orchid Cruises
Orchid Cruises
US$180 US$198
Stellar of the Seas
Stellar of the Seas
US$180 US$189

Halong Bay weather

No active alert for severe weather

Current conditions

Updated: 01:13 AM Wednesday 26 March 2025
°C °F
Feels like: 20°C
Pressure: 1007 kPa
Sea level: 1007 hPa
Humidity: 90%
Wind: 4.72 km/h
Visibility: 10000 m

Weather forecast

26 Mar
27 Mar
28 Mar
29 Mar
30 Mar
31 Mar
01 Apr
Hourly forecast today:
02:00 AM
20° / 20°
20° / 20°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 90 % Wind: 4.72 km/h
03:00 AM
20° / 20°
20° / 20°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 90 % Wind: 4.43 km/h
04:00 AM
20° / 20°
20° / 20°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 89 % Wind: 4.1 km/h
05:00 AM
20° / 20°
20° / 20°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 90 % Wind: 5.29 km/h
06:00 AM
20° / 20°
20° / 20°
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 91 % Wind: 5.54 km/h
07:00 AM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 84 % Wind: 11.2 km/h
08:00 AM
23° / 23°
23° / 23°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 76 % Wind: 15.66 km/h
09:00 AM
24° / 24°
24° / 24°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 69 % Wind: 19.4 km/h
10:00 AM
25° / 25°
25° / 25°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 66 % Wind: 20.48 km/h
11:00 AM
26° / 26°
26° / 26°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 65 % Wind: 22.18 km/h
12:00 PM
26° / 26°
26° / 26°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 66 % Wind: 23.26 km/h
13:00 PM
26° / 26°
26° / 26°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 67 % Wind: 25.52 km/h
14:00 PM
25° / 25°
25° / 25°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 71 % Wind: 25.52 km/h
15:00 PM
25° / 25°
25° / 25°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 71 % Wind: 20.63 km/h
16:00 PM
25° / 25°
25° / 25°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 71 % Wind: 22.57 km/h
17:00 PM
24° / 24°
24° / 24°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 79 % Wind: 25.06 km/h
18:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 88 % Wind: 10.84 km/h
19:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 94 % Wind: 14.36 km/h
20:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Few Clouds
Humidity: 95 % Wind: 10.44 km/h
21:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 94 % Wind: 6.37 km/h
22:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Broken Clouds
Humidity: 90 % Wind: 3.42 km/h
23:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Broken Clouds
Humidity: 86 % Wind: 7.92 km/h Sunrise: 05:50 AM Sunset: 18:03 PM Normals: Max 22°C. Min 22°C.

Averages and extremes

Average high 30°C
Average low 16°C
Highest temperature (1930-2025) 41°C (2017)
Lowest temperature (1930-2025) 5°C (1963)
Highest record of rainfall 1500mm (August 2015)
Wettest month Jun, Jul, Aug (10-12 rainy days)
Driest month December (1-2 rainy days)

Yesterday's Data

Max 23°C
Min 20°C
Total Precipitation: 0 mm

Overview of Halong Bay weather

Halong Bay has a tropical monsoon climate with two main seasons: the hot and rainy season from May to October and the cool and dry season from November to April. During the hot season, temperatures can reach up to 35°C with high humidity and frequent rain showers, while during the cool season temperatures average around 20°C with less rainfall. Overall, the best time to visit Halong Bay is from October to April when the weather is pleasant and the visibility is better for viewing the scenic landscape.

Halong bay in September
Halong bay in September 2023 (Photo: Orchid Cruises)

Halong bay in Fall & Spring (September to November and March to May)

  • Lowest temperature: 13ºC
  • Highest temperature: 32ºC
  • Humidity: 79%-85%

Deciding on the best time to visit will depend on your personal preferences. As many people prefer the cool, dry weather of Spring and Fall, the peak visiting times tend to be from March to April and September to October. During these months, you can expect more sunny days, a cooler breeze and calmer weather. A minor shower is to be expected occasionally, but they rarely last long enough to disrupt visitors' plans.

Halong bay in Summer (May-September)

  • Lowest temperature: 21ºC
  • Highest temperature: 38ºC
  • Humidity: 81.5%

Summer lasts from around May to September, and in this time, the air is hot and humid. This warmer weather helps create beautiful sunsets, viewable at times when there is no rain or fog. While the promise of summer heat can be tempting, the months of July to September are also the wettest, so visitors should check weather forecasts for signs of severe weather. Temperature high for these months is 38°C.

Halong bay in Winter (November to March)

  • Lowest temperature: 10ºC
  • Highest temperature: 19ºC
  • Humidity: 79.2%

Winter lasts from around November to March. These months are the coldest with temperatures dropping down to 10°C - 20°C on average with a low of 16°C. This is also the dry season, not a lot of rainfall is to be expected.

Thanks to the nature of a closed-sea area, Halong is lucky not to be much affected by heavy storms. The strongest storms on the bay normally are at level 9 and 10, hardly anytime reaching level 11.

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Weather averages by month

Month High / Low (°C) Rain
January 20° / 14° 4 days
February 21° / 15° 4 days
March 23° / 18° 7 days
April 27° / 21° 6 days
May 30° / 24° 8 days
June 32° / 26° 9 days
July 32° / 26° 11 days
August 32° / 25° 12 days
September 31° / 24° 10 days
October 29° / 22° 4 days
November 26° / 19° 3 days
December 22° / 15° 3 days

Frequently asked questions

1. Which month is the hottest in Halong Bay?

June is usually the hottest month in Halong Bay, and visitors can expect temperatures at or above 30°C (86°F).

2. When is the coldest month in Halong bay?

January and February are the coldest months in Halong Bay. The daily mean temperature in January/February is around 13°C-18°C (55°F-64°F).

3. When does it often rain in Halong Bay?

The majority of rainfall occurs in the summer (over 85%), especially in July and August. Winter, on the other hand, sees much lower precipitation, typically ranging from 150 to 400 mm.

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