Heritage Cruises
Heritage Cruises
US$180 US$202
Ambassador Cruise
Ambassador Cruise
US$180 US$198
Peony Cruise
Peony Cruise
US$140 US$161
Orchid Cruises
Orchid Cruises
US$180 US$198
Stellar of the Seas
Stellar of the Seas
US$180 US$189

Lan Ha Bay weather

No alerts in effect

Current conditions

Updated: 12:29 PM Wednesday 26 March 2025
°C °F
Feels like: 22°C
Pressure: 1006 kPa
Sea level: 1006 hPa
Humidity: 94%
Wind: 26.82 km/h
Visibility: 10000 m

Weather forecast

26 Mar
27 Mar
28 Mar
29 Mar
30 Mar
31 Mar
01 Apr
Hourly forecast today:
13:00 PM
21° / 22°
21° / 22°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 94 % Wind: 26.82 km/h
14:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 94 % Wind: 28.12 km/h
15:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 94 % Wind: 22.43 km/h
16:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 93 % Wind: 30.35 km/h
17:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 93 % Wind: 31.93 km/h
18:00 PM
22° / 22°
22° / 22°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 93 % Wind: 24.8 km/h
19:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 93 % Wind: 9.68 km/h
20:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Clear Sky
Humidity: 94 % Wind: 15.73 km/h
21:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 95 % Wind: 19.55 km/h
22:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 96 % Wind: 8.75 km/h
23:00 PM
21° / 21°
21° / 21°
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 96 % Wind: 9.68 km/h Sunrise: 05:50 AM Sunset: 18:03 PM Normals: Max 21°C. Min 21°C.

Averages and extremes

Average high 30.5°C
Average low 12.8°C
Highest temperature (1930-2025) 40°C (1986)
Lowest temperature (1930-2025) 6,2°C (2012)
Highest record of rainfall 162,9 mm (2009)
Wettest month June to August
Driest month December

Yesterday's Data

Max 22°C
Min 21°C
Total Precipitation: 0 mm

Overview of Lan Ha Bay weather

Boating an ideal location which is southern Halong Bay and Eastern Cat Ba Island, Lan Ha Bay has a mild climate all year round. The summer is not too hot and the winter is not too cold. The average temperature is between 25 and 28°C. There are sudden storms in summer and northeast monsoons in winter. April to July is the best time to visit Lan Ha Bay thanks to the cool breeze, excellent sunlight, and clear view. This time is also perfect for water activities in the bay.

Weather in Spring (February - April)

  • Lowest temperature: 16°C
  • Highest temperature: 28°C

Spring in Lan Ha Bay is warm and gently sunny. Although the average temperature ranges from 18 to 26°C, there are sometimes drizzles, making the temperature decrease to around 15 - 16°C. However, Spring is overall an ideal time for sightseeing and joining outdoor activities.

Weather in Summer (May - September)

  • Lowest temperature: 24°C
  • Highest temperature: 33°C

It is hot and humid in Summer here. The average temperature is 26 to 33°C and humidity can reach 86%. The highest rainfall falls in July and August with the chance of rain is 55 - 59%. Nevertheless, the sky is blue and has lots of sunshine which is suitable for taking a dip in the cool water, kayaking, or discovering caves in the bay.

Lan Ha Bay on a sunny day

Weather in Autumn (October - November)

  • Lowest temperature: 19°C
  • Highest temperature: 29°C

Similar to other Northern provinces, Autumn is the best season in Lan Ha Bay. The chance of rain and storms decreases notably. The sunshine is less harsh and the sky is relatively blue and clear. The temperature ranges from 20 to 32°C.

Weather in Winter (December - January)

  • Lowest temperature: 14°C
  • Highest temperature: 22°C

Although December to January is the coldest time in the bay, it is still much more pleasant than in the mainland areas. Dense fog is often seen in the early morning and gradually clear after a few hours. Winter is also the time with the lowest rainfall in the bay.

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Weather averages by month

Month High / Low (°C) Rain
January 19°C / 14°C 8 days
February 22°C / 16°C 5 days
March 23°C / 18°C 9 days
April 28°C / 22°C 11 days
May 31°C / 24°C 14 days
June 33°C / 26°C 18 days
July 33°C / 26°C 17 days
August 32°C / 26°C 19 days
September 32°C / 25°C 20 days
October 29°C / 22°C 11 days
November 26°C / 19°C 7 days
December 22°C / 15°C 5 days

Frequently asked questions

1. When does it often rain in Lan Ha Bay?

It often rains in 4 months from June to September. July is the wettest month with around 26.5 rainy days.

2. When is the coldest month in Lan Ha Bay?

The coldest month in Lan Ha Bay is January. The temperature is only 14 - 19°C this month.

3. Which month is the hottest in Lan Ha Bay?

The hottest months are June and July. The average temperature is between 26 to 33°C.

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